Greenacres Christian Academy is accredited through Florida Council of Private Schools to serve grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Dual enrollment courses are available for those who qualify. We are also SEVIS approved to accept international students.
OUR CURRICULUM Our school uses the Biblically based School of Tomorrow individualized PACE curriculum produced by the School of Tomorrow corporate headquarters located in Hendersonville, Tennessee. We also incorporate subjects from Alpha Omega's "Ignitia." These courses are computer enhanced classes that not only teach the subject matter, but increase computer skills as well. We currently offer Ignitia courses to our 8th-12th grade students.
The ACE "School of Tomorrow" curriculum is for all major subjects in all grades which includes; Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Spelling, Literature, and Bible. Our Kindergarten reading program The ABC's with Ace and Christi, is a phonics based curriculum that incorporates Biblical character traits, giving the youngest students the opportunity to learn God's Word.
PACE: All work is divided into booklets called PACEs (i.e. a Packet of Accelerated Christian Education). These self-instructional booklets are a combination of textbook and workbook. Students work all answers in pencil, to enable them to make corrections as needed. They are directed in their PACEs when to score.
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: The spiral of learning, around which our curriculum is written, brings the student back to previous concepts for drill and reinforcement. When your child completes the suggested course of study, he or she can expect to receive test scores that will qualify him for college entrance.
INDIVIDUALIZATION: Each child is different and has needs uniquely their own. Any successful academic program must identify and focus on individual student needs. Each new student completes a diagnostic test, which identifies his academic performance levels for English, Math, Spelling, Social Studies, and Science. Whether the student is a high achiever or a moderate paced learner, the School of Tomorrow educational process proceeds at the level determined by the child's ability making it possible for each student to master the subject.
CHARACTER BUILDING: The curriculum is permeated with traditional moral values, Biblical principles, and patriotism. Each child can gain a quality education while learning basic life principles that enable them to assume responsibility for their adult life emphasizing the importance of building Godly character. The main focus is wisdom.
MORAL VALUES: The curriculum includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ - all designed to help students develop moral character, a sense of accountability, and wisdom in their lives. Standards of personal conduct, school policies, and curriculum continue to build the student's sense of responsibility and integrity.